Our Faculty

Wesleyan FULL-TIME Faculty listing

PHDs, NOT TEACHING ASSISTANTS. Wesleyan’s faculty has been ranked among the best in the nation. You won’t find a large lecture hall on the Wesleyan campus. Our professors teach seminar style and expect students to join in the conversation. Wesleyan’s full-time faculty members hold the highest degrees in their fields from places like Oxford, MIT, Georgetown, Duke, Loyola University, University of California at Berkeley, Wake Forest, Vanderbilt, and Yale.

Wesleyan College’s faculty have been ranked among the Nation’s Best by Forbes Magazine, highlighted and reported by CBS Money Watch, and by The Princeton Review. According to student surveys conducted by The Princeton Review, Wesleyan students praise these “excellent…open-minded professors who teach … how to look at things from different perspectives.”

Listen to a few of our exceptional professors in these videos.


Karen Bray
Associate Professor of Religious Studies & Philosophy (478) 757-2839 Profile
Holly Cole
Associate Professor of Psychology (478) 757-3706 Profile
Chenny Q. Gan
M.A. Program Director, Associate Professor of Music (478) 757-5147 Profile
Laura Lease
Associate Professor of English / Dean for Teaching, Learning, & Student Success (478) 757-5232 Profile
Michael McGhee
Associate Professor of Music, Music Dept. Chair (478) 757-2433 Profile
Gokhan Oztunc
Director of I/O Psychology Graduate Program & Assistant Professor of Psychology (478) 757-5225 Profile
Seth D. Selke
Assistant Professor of Business & Director of Graduate Business Programs (478) 757-5184 Profile
Ying Zhen
Associate Professor of Business and Economics (478) 757-3917 Profile
Wesleyan Adjunct Faculty 2024-2025


  • Alexandra Arute-Kacheris, Instructor of Horseback Riding. B.A. (Psychology), Trinity College.
  • William Ayears, Instructor of Health and Physical Education. B.A. (Humanities), Washington State University.
  • Emma Butler, Instructor of English. B.A.Ed. in English Education, University of Mississippi, M.A.Ed. in Secondary Education (English), Kennesaw State University.
  • Terence Cantwell, Instructor of Music. B.Mus (Music Performance), M.M., University of Georgia. 
  • Alan Chan, Instructor of Music. B.M. (Theory and Composition), University of Miami; M.M. (Composition), University of Missouri – Kansas City; D.M.A. (Composition), University of Southern California.
  • Sergey Y. Chernokov, Instructor of Computer Science. B.B.A. (Management Information Systems), M.B.A. (Information Systems), Georgia College & State University.
  • William Clark, Instructor of Business. B.S. (Information Science and Technology), MLD, Pennsylvania State University; MDIV, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; DSL (Strategic Leadership), Regent University.
  • Chris “Topper” Cogan, Instructor of Health and Physical Education. B.A. (Psychology), M.S. (Exercise and Sport Sciences), Texas Tech University.
  • Tanner Coleman, Instructor of Art. BFA (Sculpture), University of Georgia.
  • Rosalyn De Luna, Instructor of Mathematics. B.A. (Mathematics), Mercer University; M.Ed. (Mathematics), Georgia State University.
  • Robert Fieldsteel, Instructor of Theatre. Artist in Residence - Playwriting. B.A. (English), Dartmouth College; M.A. (Clinical Psychology), Antioch University.
  • Jill Foote-Hutton, Instructor of Art. BFA, Webster University; MFA (Art), University of Mississippi.
  • Samantha Friedman, Instructor of Music. B.A. (Russian and Music), Sarah Lawrence College; MM (Performance), Mercer University; DMA (Vocal Performance), University of Georgia.
  • Mariana Furlin ’92, Instructor of Art. B.A. (Psychology), Wesleyan College; M.S. (Art Education), Florida State University.
  • Denise Greaves, Instructor of Business. B.A. (Criminal Justice), Long Island University; M.B.A. (Human Resources Management), University of Phoenix; J.D., University of the District of Columbia; Ed.S. (Media), University of West Georgia; Ed.D. (Leadership), American College of Education.
  • Jessica Hardman, Instructor of Dance and Yoga. B.F.A. (Dance), University of Southern Mississippi.
  • Carl Hodge, Instructor of Health and Physical Education. B.A. (Accounting), St. Leo College.
  • Hillary Hoover, Instructor of Communications. B.S. (Speech), Kansas State University; M.A. (Speech Communication), Minnesota State University.
  • LeeAnn Jones, Instructor of Nursing. A.S.N., Albany State University; B.S.N., Georgia Southwestern State University. 
  • I-Fan Knotts, Instructor of Spanish. B.A. (Spanish), M.A. (Romance Languages), Ph.D. (Spanish), Texas Tech University.
  • Miriam Langley, Instructor of Health and Physical Education. B.S. (Family & Consumer Sciences), M.Ed., University of Georgia.
  • Allarey A. Magallano, Instructor of Nursing. B.S.N., M.S.N. (Nursing Administration), Georgia College and State University.
  • Jarod Morse, Instructor of Biology. B.S. (Biology), Saginaw Valley State University; M.S. (Biology), Bowling Green State University.
  • Theresa Mosbrucker, Instructor of Spanish. B.A, University of Georgia; M.A. (Spanish Language and Culture), University of Salamanca, Spain.
  • Mallory Neil, Instructor of History. B.A. (History), Georgia College; M.A. (History), Clemson University; Ph.D., (History), University of Houston.
  • Barry Rhoades, Professor Emeritus. B.A. (Psychology), Colorado College; A.M. (Behavioral Sciences – Biopsychology), University of Chicago; Ph.D. (Physiology), University of California, Berkeley.
  • Barbara Rowan, Instructor of Business. B.A. (Mathematics), Malone College; M.S. (Psychology), Georgia College & State University; PhD (Assessment & Measurement), James Madison University.
  • Andrew Russell, Instructor of Business. B.A. (Psychology), State University of New York at Plattsburg; J.D., Albany Law School.
  • Sandra Scheier, Instructor of Psychology. B.A. (Psychology), University of South Carolina; M.S. (Psychology), Augusta University.
  • Anna Schmitz, Instructor of Music. B.A. (Elementary Education), Southwestern College; B.A. in Music (Horn), University of Northern Iowa; M.M.E. (Music Education), Georgia College and State University.
  • Tisha Simeral, Instructor of Music. B.S. (Food Science), B.M. (Jazz Studies), The Ohio State University; M.A. (Music), Middle Tennessee State University.
  • Shara Veda, Instructor of Spanish. M.A. (Latin America Area Studies), University of London; M.A. (Modern Languages - Spanish), Ph.D., University of St. Andrews - Scotland.
  • LaTeshia Warren, Instructor of Education. B.S. (Middle School Education), Georgia State University; M.Ed. (Post-Secondary Education), Troy University: Ph.D. (Curriculum and Instruction), Mercer University.
  • Sabrina Warren ’04, Instructor of Music. B.A. (Vocal Performance), Wesleyan College; M.M. (Vocal Performance and Vocal Pedagogy), Belmont University; D.M.A. (Vocal Performance), University of Memphis.
  • Matthew Wentz, Instructor of English. A.A (French), B.A. (English), Middle Georgia State University; M.A. (English), Georgia Southern University.
  • JoungHwa Woo, Instructor of French. B.F.A., KookMin University, Korea; B.S., M.S. (Interior Architecture and Design), Ecole Camondo, France; M.A. (French), Florida State University.
  • Vincent Youngbauer, Instructor of History. B.S. Secondary Education in Curriculum and Instruction (Secondary Education, Social Studies), The Pennsylvania State University; M.S. (Education), Wilkes University; Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction (Language, Culture, and Society), The Pennsylvania State University.
Wesleyan Emeriti Faculty
  • Dr. Fletcher Clark Anderson, Professor Emeritus of Music (1970-2005)Dr. H. Elizabeth Bailey, Professor Emerita of Art (1976-2020)
  • Mr. Arch F. Beckelheimer, Jr., * Associate Professor Emeritus of English (1962-1991)
  • Dr. Ernestine Bledsoe 1933, * Professor Emerita of Education and Psychology (1954-1977)
  • Dr. David A. Bobbitt, Associate Professor Emeritus of Communication (1999-2021)
  • Ms. Nadine Cheek 1979, Professor Emerita of Music (1997-2023)
  • Dr. Lillian M. Cowie, * Professor Emerita of Biology (1956-1980)
  • Dr. William Leonard Curry, Professor Emeritus of Psychology (1970-2007)
  • Ms. Frances de La Rosa, Professor Emerita of Painting and Drawing (1998-2023)
  • Mr. Charles Edward Eikner, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Music (1973-2013)
  • Dr. Horace Benton Gray, * Professor Emeritus of Education (1962-1976)
  • Ms. Patricia Ross Hardeman 1968, * Professor of Biology and Registrar Emerita (1974-1985; 1988-2014)
  • Ms. Mary Pate Hatfield 1948, * Professor Emerita of Speech (1951-1980)
  • Dr. Joseph A. Iskra, Jr., Associate Professor Emeritus of Mathematics (1983-2021)
  • Dr. Hilary Watson Kight, Professor Emerita of Mathematics (1984-2009)
  • Mr. George W. McKinney, * Professor Emeritus of Theatre (1964-1989)
  • Mr. Norman Parrish McLean, * Professor Emeritus of Music (1952-1985)
  • Dr. Darlene Debault Mettler, * Professor Emerita of English (1987-2008)
  • Dr. Glenna Dod Meyer, Professor Emerita of Business and Economics (1983-2020)
  • Ms. Eunice Ann Munck 1938, * Professor Emerita of English (1950-1991)
  • Dr. Bernard Constantine Murdoch, * Professor Emeritus of Psychology (1954-1991)
  • Dr. Patrick C. Pritchard, * Professor Emeritus of Education (1999-2019)
  • Dr. Jacob S. Quiambao, * Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Religion, and Missions (1974-1991)
  • Ms. Hasseltine Neal Roberts 1960, * Librarian Emerita (1964-2004)
  • Dr. Sylvia L. Ross 1992 (HON), * Professor Emerita of Music (1960-1993)
  • Ms. Cornelia Anna Shiver 1925, * Associate Professor Emerita of History (1952-1974)
  • Dr. William Earl Strickland, * Professor Emeritus of Religion (1960-1979)
  • Dr. Leah Audrey Strong, * Professor Emerita of American Studies and United States Language and Literature (1961-1987)
  • Dr. Leah Marcile Taylor, Professor Emerita of History (1969-2005)
  • Dr. Philip Davis Taylor, Professor Emeritus of Economics (1991-2018)
  • Ms. Corawayne W. Wright, * Associate Librarian Emerita (1969-1989)
  • Ms. Ruth Harley Young, * Librarian Emerita (1959-1963)

* deceased

Calendar of Events

Wesleyan College is privileged to steward many arts and cultural events and share them with the community. Most are free and open to the public. Wesleyan art galleries are open M-F 1-5PM and on Wesleyan Market Saturdays from 10AM-2PM.

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Wesleyan College is home to five NCAA Division III sports: soccer, basketball, volleyball, tennis, and softball. In addition, we offer an award-winning Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) Equestrian program.

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